Welcome friends and foes

This is the home for all things Orange and Blue Reunion. It's a place for a weary traveler to find lodging. It's a place for a rabid fan to find his antidote. It's a place to catch up with your fellow O.N.B-ers. It's the official Orange and Blue Reunion site of Urban Meyer.

The Orange and Blue "Reunion" coincidently corresponds with the Orange and Blue Debut. Go figure. Saturday, April 18th, the Gators will partake in its annual spring scrimmage and we will be there. Our hope is that you'll be there too.

We are caging interest and seeing how many will be in attendance as we make plans for the weekend's activities. We will be sure to include plenty of fellowship time before and after the game including a cook-out of sorts.

There is a Facebook event being floated around that Kristy sent out. Please be sure to reply to that if you are interested. Or email me if you'd like. Nick - agentCQ@gmail.com

Hope to hear from you all and to see you at the Orange and Blue Renuion. Please check back every once in awhile to get updates or at least to see some of the latest Orange and Blue spoof videos.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

2013 O&B Reunion revamp

It's 2013. The Gators are still fielding one of the most competitive teams in the nation. Their spoiled fan base was nearly gifted a title run, save for a Jordan Reed fumble. The Reunion didn't reunite thanks to disdainful scheduling in the spring of 2012 by the UFAA. Appalling as it was to be the only football program from the nation's top 70+ teams to be playing it's spring scrimmage the weekend of Easter, it won't deter our attempts to reunite.

Let's do it up right this year. April 6th. In Gainesville. At the Swamp.

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